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    Later with Jools Holland Season 35



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      Episode 1:  Later with Jools Holland returns for a ten-week run.  The first show in this series features Devon's stadium rock lords Muse, who are performing tracks from their brand new fifth album The Resistance; Mercury-nominated pop powerhouse Florence and the Machine; Texan legend and Grammy winner Lyle Lovett, who is performing a number or two from his upcoming album Natural Forces, the follow-up to 2007's It's Not Big It's Large; also Jimmy Cobb's A Kind of Blue at 50 - Jimmy drummed on Miles Davis' landmark album A Kind Of Blue and is the last surviving musician from the original line-up; also on the show Beth Ditto's Gossip with a couple of tracks from their recent album Music For Men and Nevada singer-songwriter Alela Diane, who has toured with The Decemberists, Vashti Bunyan and Iron and Wine, is making her Later debut with tracks from her To Be Still album.  Episode 2:  Joining Jools for the second show of this series is East London's king of pop Dizzee Rascal, who has grown from one-time Mercury winner to chart-topping national treasure-in-waiting.  Editors make a welcome return to the studio to play tracks from their new third album In This Light And On This Evening.  Leeds' Gang Of Four, who were widely considered one of the leading bands of the late 70s/early 80s post punk-movement, still with original singer Jon King and guitarist Andy Gill. play tracks from their 1979 debut album Entertainment!, ranked as one of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums Of All Time.  The UK's queen of soul and R&B Beverley Knight is also on the show with numbers from her new album 100%.  Also in the studio is Rolling Stone drummer Charlie Watts, who is sharing his love and knowledge of the ancient art of boogie woogie by accompanying pianists extraordinaire Ben Waters and Axel Zwingenberger, plus American bohemian singer-songwriter Krystle Warren, originally from Kansas City, now based in Paris, with songs from her debut album Circles, which introduces a strikingly original, intimate voice.


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